When you make this choice your e-card is both saved into a special mailbox on our web site and attached to an e-mail message that will be sent to you and the recipient. By this way, the recipient and you can see the e-card through the e-mail without needing to click on a link. If the recipient’s e-mail client can show only text messages he/she clicks the link on the message to see the e-card. But there is a risk for this choice: Since the e-mail will contain some codes and picture links, some e-mail accounts or programs may suppose that the e-mail contains a virus and forward it to the Junk Mail box or block it. If the recipient does not check his/her Junk Mail box for a long time it may be deleted and he/she does not see your e-card. Some free e-mail service providers that are using old technology may block the message without even the recipient sees it. You can prefer this choice: -If you and your friend using Hotmail or Yahoo mail and check your mailbox frequently. -If you do not use a Junk Mail box. -If you check your Junk Mail box frequently. -If you use an e-mail client like Outlook Express for e-mails and you enabled it to receive e-mails with attachments. -If you made some try outs and saw that this choice is working good with you and with your friend.