Flower Photos

    Welcome to our online exhibition of "3065 Specially Taken Flower Photos"! The photos in this exhibition were taken during 10 years, from tens of species of flowers and plants, in various places and in various seasons personally and diligently by our web site team. In addition, we worked very hard during 6 months for arranging this exhibition to share it over the internet with you. We did not exhibit the flowers indiscriminately but we categorized them and gave detailed information about every flower in the exhibition. We put special links below every photo for your easy navigation. You can download the photos as wallpaper images for using on your computer or send them as e-cards to your friends.
On this entrance page you see 5 example photos from 32 flower categories. By clicking on the category titles you can see more flowers.
The buttons below every thumbnail photos work as follows:

 By clicking on this button you can send the picture above it as e-card. [ Example E-card ]
 Clicking on these buttons you can download the picture as 1024x768 or 1280x960 wallpaper.
  Clicking on this button you can download the picture as "mobile wallpaper" or "MMS picture" for your mobile phones and tablets like Apple iPhone, iPod, iPad; Samsung Galaxy S, Note; Sony Ericsson Xperia; LG, Nokia Lumia or devices that have similar screens. (You can visit mobile version of this page by going And you can see a modern slide show version of this page compatible with the latest mobile phones and tablets by clicking here.) 
 E-cards Main Page
Picture Categories
 Views of Nature
 Flower Pictures
    Pink Roses - | 2 | - | 3 |
    Red Roses - | 2 |
    White Roses
    Yellow Roses
    Mixed Color Roses
    Red Tulips - | 2 |
    White Tulips - | 2 |
    Yellow-Red Tulips - | 2 |
    Mixed Color Tulips
    Primrose Flowers
    Viola Tricolors
    African Violets
    Red Pelargonias - | 2 |
    Pink Pelargonias - | 2 |
    Pelargonia Buds
    Mixed Color Pelargonias
    Lantana Camaras - | 2 |
    Azalea Flowers - | 2 |
    Daisy Flowers
    From-Liliums White
    From-Liliums Pink
    Hyacinth and Hortensias
    Marigold , Petunia, Water Lilies
    Fuchsia Hybrid & Garden Balsam
    Carnation & Poppy Flowers
    Morning Glory & Balloon Flower
    Various Flowers - | 2 | - | 3 |
 Islamic Artworks
 Digital Motifs
 Send Your Own Photos

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Pink Rose Flowers - (There are 290 photos more...)
Red Rose Flowers - (128 more...)
White Rose Flowers - (59 more...)
Yellow Rose Flowers - (47 more...)
Mixed and Variegated (Mottled), Beige, Lavender, Burgundy Color Roses and Rose Leafs - (77 more...)
Red Tulip Flowers - (171 more...)
White Tulip Flowers - (130 more...)
Yellow-Red Tulip Flowers - (127 more...)
Pink, Yellow, Purple and Many Tulip Flowers - (77 more...)
Primrose Flowers - (52 more...)
In various tones: Yellow, Blue, Purple, Brown, Burgundy, White Viola Tricolor (Heartsease, Pansy, Multicoloured Violet, Johnny Jump Up) Flowers - (86 more...)
African Violet Flowers - (38 more...)
Red Pelargonia Flowers - (139 more...)
Pink Pelargonia Flowers - (103 more...)
Red Color Pelargonia -Double Geranium- and Newly Coming Out Pelargonias -Pelargonia Buds- - (57 more...)
Begonia Elatiors and Red, Pink, White Wax Begonias (Bedding Begonias) With Brown and Green Leaves - (68 more...)
White, Pink-Red, Pink Mottled Pelargonia Flowers - (79 more...)
Lantana Camara Flowers - (188 more...)
Pink Azalea Flowers - (134 more...)
White Daisies, Yellow flowers from Asteraceae Family similar to yellow daisy, Dark orange color Pot Marigold (Scotch Marigold), Pink color Trailing African Daisy (Freeway Daisy, Blue Eyed Daisy) Flowers - (46 more...)
Dahlia Flowers - (54 more...)
Red, White, Orange Lily (Amaryllis, Daylily, Tiger Lily) Flowers - (47 more...)
A White Flower From Liliums - (70 more...)
A Pink Flower From Liliums - (53 more...)
Hyacinth and Hortensia Flowers - (70 more...)
Marigold, Petunia and Water Lily Flowers - (56 more...)
Fuchsia Hybrid and Garden Balsam (Touch-me-not, Jewel Weed) Flowers - (62 more...)
Red Poppy and Carnation Flowers - (64 more...)
Morning Glory & Balloon Flowers - (68 more...)
Various Flowers & Plants-1: Bouquet of Flowers, Purple Heart (Purple Queen), Virginia Spiderwort (Lady`s Tears), Shamrock (Wood Sorrel), Erica, Snapdragon, Pink Wildflowers, Japanese Rose (Chinese Rose, Tropical Hibiscus, Shoe Flower), Moss Rose (Perslane, Purslane), Double Kerria (Wild Rose, Japanese Rose), Tiny White Flowers -
Various Flowers & Plants-2: Heartleaf Iceplant (Baby Sun Rose, Rock Rose), Kalanchoe, Prickly Pear -
Various Flowers & Plants-3: Euphorbia Milii (Crown of Thorns), Peace Lily (Spath), Arum Lily (Calla Lily), Wax Plant, Crape Myrtle (Crepe Myrtle), Hibiscus Flower, Southern Catalpa (Indian Bean Tree), Oleander Tree, Pomegranate, Sweet Pepper Plant Growed in The Pot, Yellow Bird of Paradise, Sharpleaf Lenophyllum, Maidenhair Vine, Wormy Leaves -
(There are 270 photos more...)

Special design bags with flowers. For you or for a present. Visit this link to see more.

Special design bags with flowers. For you or for a present. Visit this link to see more.

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- You can navigate all the sections of our site using the links below that you will find on every page -
Free E-cards & Wallpapers Main Page Main Page 3D Names Of Allah (swt)
Flower Photos 99 Excellent Names of Your Creator 3D Names of Muhammad (saaw)
Landscape Photos Classic Calligraphy Exhibiton 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 3D "Besmellah" Works
Digital Motifs Exhibition Archives of Works Done for Holy Days 3D Paired Works
Islamic E-cards & Wallpapers 2D Various Islamic Works 3D Various Islamic Works
40 Hadith Project Brief Information About ISLAM -PDF Booklet Download- - (See this on Facebook)
Special Pages For The Holy Month RAMADAN
Send RAMADAN e-Greeting Cards 77 Special Design Ramadan Artworks Slide Show Brief Information About Ramadan (PDF) - (See on Facebook)
Flower Photos Exhibition: | Version I | - | Version II         | - |         Mobile Wallpapers of Flowers: | Version I | - | Version II
Pink Roses Red Roses White Roses Yellow Roses Variegated Roses Red Tulips White Tulips Yellow-Red Tulips Variegated Tulips Primrose Flowers
Pansy Flowers African Violets Red Pelargonias Pink Pelargonias Pelargonia Buds Variegated Pelargonia Begonias Lantana Camaras Azalea Flowers Daisy Flowers
Dahlia Flowers Hyacinth-Hortensias Marigold-Petunia Fuchsia-Gar.Balsam Carnation-Poppies Morn. Glory-Balloon Lilies 1 - 2 - 3 Various Plants-1 Various Plants-2 Various Plants-3
- The Sub-Pages Of The Landscape Photos -
Bosphorus Asia Bosphorus Europe Eminonu Karakoy Besiktas Ortakoy Uskudar Bursa High Plateaus
Nearby Istanbul Sultan Ahmet Beyazit Fatih Harem Yalova Gaziantep Mecca Madina
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The last update: 17.July.2015