![]() On this page you see book cover works that I made for some of my school tasks. |
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Name of The Book:"Yalniziz (We are alone)" Writer:"Peyami Safa" Year of Work:1996 This is one of my cover graphics that I like so much. When I was a student at the faculty our Turkish Language teacher had wanted us to read eight books and write summary with some information about each of them. When I had seen this Turkish novel`s name in the list of the books can be read, I imagined a cover like this for my task. As you see the street is taken from my 2d graphic "Do not disturb!" that you see on the page 2-d Hand Drawings. I added onto this street the most important character of the novel "Samim" and his book, wrote the novel`s name onto the wall. So, here is the cover. |
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Name of The Book:"Huzur (Peace)" Writer:"Ahmed Hamdi Tanpinar" Year of Work:1996 This is also a simple cover that was made for the faculty task. |
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Name of The Book:Dusman Kazanmak Sanatı (The Art of Acquiring An Antagonist)" Writer:"Tarik Bugra" Year of Work:1996 This book was an anthology of the articles of Turkish journalist Tarik Bugra that he wrote between the years 1949-1978. In the foreword he was talking about to be dare to say the truth by being objective and the difficulity of being understood by the people. And he was saying: "Eventhough to say the truth make you acquire antagonists..." In this work, except the arc I had found all the graphics as clip arts and I united them in one picture considering the book`s name. The text font was found in an old disk as a Kara Font special for Amiga Computers. In the picture the pencil and the arc represent the art of authorship and the antagonism. The two writing men represent two antagonist writer. |
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Name of The Book:"Fatih - Harbiye" Writer:"Peyami Safa" Year of Work:1996 On this cover I had considered the subject of the novel. In the novel the township of Istanbul "Fatih" was representing the old and the tradition; the township "Harbiye" was representing the new and the modernity. So I used humanity`s old material "bricks" on the name of "Fatih" and the newer material of humanity "black metal" on the name "Harbiye". (Maybe one reason of making "Harbiye" from black metal was that before reading the novel I had wandered Taksim, Tesvikiye, Macka, and Harbiye district of Istanbul. These are among the districts that rich people lives in. So, while I was walking on the street I had seen some parked last model "black and shiny" motorbikes and some dogs with "black and shiny" skin that walk with their owners.) And the tram in the middle represents the tram in the novel and in the past running between Fatih and Harbiye. (Note: On 2.February.2001 while I was making a research on a different subject in a Turkish encyclopedia, I saw the original cover of the first edition of this book printed in 1931. Also on that cover the tram picture had been used. I had drawn this cover without seeing the original one. I found this interesting and be a bit touched because I had thought the same thing with the designer of the first original cover. So, I wanted to share this feeling with you by adding these lines and the original cover here.) |
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Name of The Book:"Mâi ve Siyah (Blue and Black)" Writer:"Halit Ziya Usakligil" Year of Work:1996 I consider the subject of the novel also in this work. In the novel blue was representing happiness; black was representing sorrow. And the main character of the novel "Ahmet Cemil" `s life was starting in happiness and hope but finishing in sorrow and hopelessness. So the top of my cover starts with blue and finishes with black. |
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Name of The Book:"Yaprak Dökümü (Leaf-fall)" Writer:"Resat Nuri Guntekin" Year of Work:1996 On this cover I consider the name of the novel. I added my 3D "Yaprak Dokumu" graphic to a 2D graphic. The tree and the leafs are not my drawings, I had found them as clip arts and changed a little. At the end I had a cover like this... |
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